Our History ...

Portions of the history below were taken as excerpts from:
One Small Village: Kearneysville 1842-1942 written by Elsie Hamstead
Published by Hagerstown Printing and Binding, 2000

January, 1887 Due to the War Between the States, there was an exodus of all ministers in this area not in favor with the Southern cause. In January, 1887, the Rev. B. F. Bausman called a meeting of his congregation in Shepherdstown to organize a Missionary Society to once again advance missionary work which had waned during the war and the aftermath of reconstruction. Rev. Bausman would serve this parish and that of Shepherdstown from September 1883 until March 1889.
1884 - 1885 About six families made up the first congregation of Grace Reformed Church. Before the church was built, the parishioners met at the local schoolhouse. The land for the church was donated by Clara Getzendanner and Dr. Daniel Webster in the summer of 1884. On September 19, 1884, ground was broken for the new church and James Conley was hired as builder. The work was delayed due to an early winter. In the summer of 1885, the nearly completed church was dedicated at a service officiated by Reverend B. F. Bausman, the first pastor. The building was 27 by 50 feet with a pulpit recess, belfry, and interior vestibule. The ceiling and all other interior woodwork were of yellow pine, and finished with oil.
February, 1911 A chapel organ with brass pipes was purchased from A.M. Ordway and Company of Hagerstown, Maryland in February 1911. Miss Leona Osbourn was the organist; young Ed McDowell was behind the organ pumping air into the bellows, for which he earned twenty-five cents each Sunday. Lillie Stanley followed Miss Osbourn as organist. Margie Stanley (Johnston) followed her Aunt Lillie and faithfully continued as organist for more than 60 years.
1914 - 1919 In 1914, the interior and exterior walls were repainted; electric current was installed and In 1919 electric bulbs replaced the candles in the two chandeliers. The two pot-bellied stoves that heated the sanctuary were replaced in the 1930’s by two oil-burning stoves.
1945 - 1946 During the summers of 1945 and 1946, two very active and successful Vacation Bible Schools were held at Grace Church. Church Hymnals were added to Grace Church, and Mothers Day Offerings became a tradition for those at Homewood Church Home. Church envelopes were bought from Heidelburg Press and used for the first time in 1945.
1954 In 1954, the Educational Building was constructed by the men of the church. The building houses three classrooms, a library, a stage, and a large auditorium. In October 1954, there was a 'Kitchen Shower' for the Educational Building to add utensils to the 4-½ dozen silverware pieces already purchased. Three dozen dessert dishes and five dozen salad plates were added. In November, a kitchen sink was installed. The first Homecoming Service was held October 31, 1954 with Rev. Border Stanley, a son of Grace Church, the Guest Speaker.
1955 - 1956 The church was redecorated and the interior washed down. The outside of the church was painted and carpet mat was installed in the church.
1957 A Homecoming and Educational Building Dedication Service was held. At that service, the new organ was also dedicated.
1958 Stoves were installed in the kitchen.
1959 The 'small room' in the Educational Building became the Library.
May, 1960 A Memorial Fund was established, and the entire roof of the church was coated and minor repairs made.
1962 Communion glasses and a tray were purchased.

Today ...

Grace Reformed Church exterior A procession of Nativity scenes, Easter pageants, Vacation Bible School programs, and musicals has passed over our stage for over 50 years. The children in the 50’s grew into adulthood and watched their children and, in some cases grandchildren, as they walked in the same steps and said their lines with the same enthusiasm, and a little stage fright perhaps, as they had in their youth. What memories! The basement is a social hall, complete with kitchen with electric ranges, refrigerator, and double sinks, as well as beautiful wooden cabinetry. Over the years, many dinners, bridal and baby showers, receptions, and meetings have been held in this building, a tribute to those who gave their time and talents to its design and construction.

Today, we are vibrant congregation of 40-50 active members. We support various mission programs in our community and around the world, i.e. food offerings for Jefferson County Food Bank and Homewood Retirement Center in Williamsport, MD, Church World Service blanket drive, WARM THE CHILDREN, Christmas Jar to help a needy family at Christmas time, and Hoffman Homes for Youth.

Grace Reformed Church is a welcoming congregation committed to using our God-given gifts to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. If a church is defined by its actions then we are a gospel reading, Sunday-schooling, singing, food donating, potlucking community of faith.